Hellraiser Guild

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Hellraiser Guild

Tera Online - Mount Tyrannas


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» Civil Unrest: Velika
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» Guia de oro, elite y precios
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» Guia de optimizacion
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    Cristales a nivel 65


    Masculino Mensajes : 53
    Edad : 35
    Fecha de inscripción : 14/04/2010

    Character Tera Online
    Nickname: monkeyDS89

    Cristales a nivel 65 Empty Cristales a nivel 65

    Mensaje por monkDS89 Jue Dic 11, 2014 12:55 pm

    Aca todos los detalles de los nuevos cristales lvl 65:

    1. Acerca de los cristales conocidos:

    *Los cristales Acrimonious y Blackbiting, ya no estaran disponibles para su adquisicion. Un nuevo cristal va a tomar su lugar el cual nos dara el efecto de ataque critico a cualquier monstruo atancando por la espalda, por el momento se sabe que se llamara Destroyer pursuit en KTERA veremos como lo nombre en el TERA NA.-

    *Los cristales Hunter, Mutinous y Domineering ya no estaran disponibles para su adquisicion. Un nuevo cristal tomara su lugar generando daño adicional a cualquier monstruo, en KTERA se llama Destroyer Rage.

    *Los cristales Stalwart y Anarchic ya no estaran disponibles para su adquisicion. En su reemplazo estara un nuevo cristal el cual reducira el daño de cualquier monstruo, se llama Destroyer Will en KTERA.

    En resumen nos ahorraremos mucho espacio en cuanto a cristales ya que uno servira para los 3 tipos de monstruos, BOSSES-NORMALES-MINIONS tanto ataque como defensa.-

    2. Uncommon Crystals nivel 65 (arma y armadura):

    *A nivel 65 recibimos uncommon crystals de las crystal's box. La crystal box es dropeada de los ultimos bosses de las dungeons de nivel 65 y podremos obtener 2 cristales de la misma como un bonus semanal.

    *Tambien podremos obtenerlos del merchant de reputacion nuevo, al parecer se podran vender para obtener creditos del nuevo daily system.

    *Tambien podremos obtenerlos fusinando 3 uncommon crystals de nivel 60 con la Niveot Structures, ya sea crystal/zyrk por una pequeña chance de obtener un uncommon crystal/zyrk de nivel 65.

    Aca un detalle de todos los bonus nuevos no los voy a traducir debido a la cantidad:


    *Destroyer Pursuit: Inflicts an additional 8.1% damage to any type of monsters.
    *Destroyer Rage: Critical attacks against any type of monsters do +1.44 times damage when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Destroyer Rage crystals.
    *Forceful: Critical attacks will increase your Power by 20 for 10 seconds when attacking opponents from the rear. Cannot stack with other Forceful crystals.
    *Savage: Critical attacks do an additional +1.26 times damage when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Savage crystals.
    *Slaying: Chance to inflict an additional +1.64 critical damage to monsters when below 50% HP. Cannot stack with other crystals with the same effect.
    *Furious: Chance to inflict an additional 9.9% damage to enemies when below 50% HP.
    *Focused: Your attacks do an additional +1.56 times critical damage against enraged monsters. Cannot stack with other Focused crystals.
    *Virulent: Inflict critical hit on a knocked down target, they'll receive 1298 damage every second up to 5 seconds. Cannot stack with other Virulent crystals.
    *Brutal: Inflicts 9.6% more damage on a knocked-down opponent.
    *Cruel: Increases your crit damage by +0.44 for 7 seconds against knocked-down opponents. Cannot stack with other Cruel crystals.
    Threatening: Increases monster aggro by 16%.
    *Carving: Increases crit rate by 3.2%. Cannot stack with other Carving crystals.
    *Salivating: Immediately regenerates 84 MP when attacking a player. Cannot stack with other Salivating crystals.
    *Brilliant: Provides MP regeneration of 42 per 5sec.
    Infused: When knocked down, you'll recover 82 MP for every 1 second up to 3 seconds duration. Cannot stack with other Infused crystals.
    *Swift: Increases movement speed by 16 while in combat. Cannot stack with other Swift crystals.
    *Cunning: Increases maximum MP by 263.
    *Glistening: Critical hits recovers of 80 MP for every second up to 3 seconds when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Glistening crystals.


    *Destroyer Will: Decrease damage by 8.1% from monsters.
    *Relentless: Increases maximum HP by 5,434.
    *Protective: Resist critical hits 9.9% more when below 50% HP.
    *Resolute: Decrease damage by 9.9% when below 50% HP. Cannot stack with other Resolute crystals.
    *Poised: Decrease damage by 8.8% when attacked by enraged monsters.
    *Empyrean: Activates Shield to absorb up to 5886 HP for 10 seconds when knocked down or stunned by enraged monsters. Cannot stack with other Empyrean crystals.
    *Warding: 50% chance to provide a shield to absorb up to 4829 HP for 7 seconds when knocked down. Cannot stack with other Warding crystals.
    *Inspiring: 50% chance to recover 644 HP every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds when knocked down. Cannot stack with other Inspiring crystals.
    *Fleetfoot: Increases movement speed by 31 while out of combat. Cannot stack with other Fleetfoot crystals.
    *Vigorous: Provides HP regeneration of 363 per 5sec.
    *Grieving: Immediately regenerates 110 MP when attacked by a player. Cannot stack with other Grieving crystals.

    3. Uncommon Zyrks nivel 65 (joyas):

    *Se podran obtener del nuevo merchant de reputacion el cual vende estos tipos de cristales de manera directa haciendo las quest del nuevo sistema de diarias.

    *Tambien podremos obtenerlos fusinando 3 uncommon zyrks de nivel 60 con la Niveot Structures, por una pequeña chance de obtener un uncommon zyrk de nivel 65.


    *Swift: Attack speed increases by 1%.
    *Grounding: Endurance increases by 3.
    *Cunning: Maximum MP increases by 176.
    *Threatening: Monster aggro increases by 3.5%.
    *Balancing: Adds 5 Balance factor. (sooooo useless!)
    *Carving: Crit Rate increases by 6.
    *Succoring: Increases healing by 2.5%.
    *Powerful: Power increases by 3.
    *Unyielding: Adds 6 crit resistance.
    *Relentless: Maximum HP increases by 2,230.

    4. Rare Crystals de nivel 65 (NUEVO):

    *Una manera de obtener este tipod e cristal es fusionando 3 uncommon crystal de nivel 65 para transformarlo en uno raro con una Superb Niveot Structure, el cristal que obtenemos seria random.

    *Los cristales del tipo raro incrementan las capacidades de la version uncommon, agregando un efecto secundario extra y el cual no puede ser rolleado.

    *Para adquirir las Niveot Structures raras, al parecer saldran de RNG (instancia de x3) a traves de las cajas que dropean o un a traves de un posible drop del mismo boss de ELKARAS SHIP.

    *Cuando equipas un cristal raro a tu arma o armadura estos quedaran bindeados a este equipo en especifico, pero se podran remover del mismo sin problemas como un cristal normal.

    *No se pueden romper ante la muerte.

    *Cuando creas un cristal raro el mismo no podra ser tradeable en el caso de que obtengas uno que no te sirva. Al menos se podra banquear pero no se podra poner en el guild bank.


    *Destroyer Pursuit: Inflicts an additional 8.5% damage to any type of monsters.
    *Destroyer Rage: Critical attacks against any type of monsters do +1.52 times damage when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Destroyer Rage crystals.
    *Forceful: Critical attacks will increase your Power by 21 for 10 seconds when attacking opponents from the rear. Cannot stack with other Forceful crystals.
    *Savage: Critical attacks do an additional +1.32 times damage when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Savage crystals.
    *Slaying: Chance to inflict an additional +1.74 critical damage to monsters when below 50% HP. Cannot stack with other crystals with the same effect.
    *Furious: Chance to inflict an additional 10.5% damage to enemies when below 50% HP.
    *Focused: Your attacks do an additional +1.88 times critical damage against enraged monsters. Cannot stack with other Focused crystals.
    *Virulent: Inflict critical hit on a knocked down target, they'll receive 1373 damage every second up to 5 seconds. Cannot stack with other Virulent crystals.
    *Brutal: Inflicts 10.2% more damage on a knocked-down opponent.
    *Cruel: Increases your attack power against knocked-down opponents. Cannot stack with other Cruel crystals.
    *Threatening: Increases monster aggro by 16%.
    *Carving: Increases crit rate by 3.3%. Cannot stack with other Carving crystals.
    *Salivating: Immediately regenerates 89 MP when attacking a player. Cannot stack with other Salivating crystals.
    *Brilliant: Provides MP regeneration of 43 per 5sec.
    Infused: Regenerates up to 285 MP total when knocked down. Cannot stack with other Infused crystals.
    *Swift: Increases movement speed by 18 while in combat. Cannot stack with other Swift crystals.
    *Cunning: Increases maximum MP by 278.
    *Glistening: Critical hits provide you a MP regeneration of 245 MP total when attacking from the rear. Cannot stack with other Glistening crystals.
    Efectos secundarios que te pueden tocar al crearlos:
    -Secondary Weapon Effect 1: Decrease damage by 2.2% from enraged monsters.
    -Secondary Weapon Effect 2: Regenerates 28 MP when attacked by a player.
    -Secondary Weapon Effect 3: Decrease damage by 2.5% if below 50% HP.
    -Secondary Weapon Effect 4: Increase maximum HP by 1359.
    Secondary Weapon Effect 5: Reduce critical attack chance done to you by 2.5% if below 50% HP.
    -Secondary Weapon Effect 6: Provides HP regeneration of 91 per 5 seconds.


    *Destroyer Will: Decrease damage by 8.5% from monsters.
    *Relentless: Increases maximum HP by 6,372.
    *Protective: Resist critical hits 10.4% more when below 50% HP.
    *Resolute: Decrease damage by 10.4% when below 50% HP. Cannot stack with other Resolute crystals.
    *Poised: Decrease damage by 9.3% when attacked by enraged monsters.
    *Empyrean: Activates Shield to absorb up to 6903 HP for 10 seconds when knocked down or stunned by enraged monsters. Cannot stack with other Empyrean crystals.
    *Warding: 50% chance to provide a shield to absorb up to 5664 HP for 7 seconds when knocked down. Cannot stack with other Warding crystals.
    *Inspiring: 50% chance to recover 755 HP every 2 seconds up to 10 seconds when knocked down. Cannot stack with other Inspiring crystals.
    *Fleetfoot: Increases movement speed by 33 while out of combat. Cannot stack with other Fleetfoot crystals.
    *Vigorous: Provides HP regeneration of 425 per 5sec.
    *Grieving: Immediately regenerates 117 MP when attacked by a player. Cannot stack with other Grieving crystals.
    Efectos secundarios que te pueden tocar al crearlos:
    -Secondary Armor Effect 1: Receive 60 MP when receiving critical attacks from behind.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 2: Increase maximum MP by 66.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 3: Recover 63 MP when you are knocked down.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 4: Regenerates 21 MP when attacked by a player.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 5: Provides MP regeneration by 11 per 5 seconds.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 6: Increases combat movement speed by 2.
    -Secondary Armor Effect 7: Deal 2.4% damage when attacking prone target.

      Fecha y hora actual: Jue Mayo 16, 2024 6:34 am